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About Us Krakatau Adventure

KrakatauAdventure.Com is a sister of PT. KRAKATAU TUR INDONESIA was established 22 April 2013, based in Carita Beach Banten Indonesia
PT. KRAKATAU TUR INDONESIA is a destination management company (DMC) operating in Carita Beach Banten Indonesia since we have launched our first tours in Java Indonesia. Now, more than a decade later, we have expanded our services and added new destination, but our primary mission, to provide the best, most authentic tours, has not changed. PT. KRAKATAU TUR INDONESIA currently creates and operates Groups, Individual and customizes tours to Java - Bali Island. Each itinerary is carefully designed to deliver a combination of experiences, comprising of the most - see sights mixed with hidden gems. Our local experience Guides share their local insights and our stories with a passion and enthusiasm that allow travelers to connect to the country at much deeper level.
At PT. KRAKATAU TUR INDONESIA. We strive to provide customers with the very best services in the industry today. We are committed to offering travel services of the highest quality, combining our energy and enthusiasm, with our years experiences. Our greatest satisfaction comes in serving large numbers of satisfied clients who have experienced the joys and inspirations of travel.
Ever since the company was established in 2013. PT. KRAKATAU TUR INDONESIA has concentrated its efforts in producing quality travel, responding to the needs of the times while anticipating the demands of the future. You will discover that PT.KRAKATAU TUR INDONESIA is quite diverse. We use our diversity in and out of the travel industry address various global concerns. By planning and organizing events, we address current issues such as environment and international relations. We narrow the gap of misunderstanding between people by promoting international business and cultural exchanges and by serving as major source of information.
Continually providing a vast array of innovative ideas and quality services. PT. KRAKATAU TUR INDONESIA commits itself as leader in promoting the enrichment of mankind and globalization of the world as we embark on the journey into this twenty century.
Product Services
We provide for Group tours, small group tours, individual tours, Jakarta City tours, Jakarta daily Krakatau Volcano tours, Jakarta Krakatau Camping tours, Jakarta daily Ujung Kulon National Park tours, Jakarta daily Baduy tribe tours, Jakarta daily Bogor tours, Jakarta daily Bandung tours, Jakarta daily Garut tours, Jakarta daily Pangandaran tours, Jakarta daily Yogyakarta tours, Borobudur temples tours, Prambanan temples tours, Bali Overland tours, Jakarta daily hiking tours, Jakarta daily trekking tours, Jakarta daily mountains tours, daily Birding Watching tours, Surfing tours, overland tours, Thousand Island tours, Karimun Jawa tours, explore Indonesia national park tours, climbing tours, Java Bali overland tours, Sumatra tours, Bali tours, Lombok tours, Sulawesi tours.
Company Profile
Number of Established   :  01. 22 April 2013. by ELYANA, SH (AKTA)
Number of Company Registered   :  300516340297 (TDP)
Legacy of Ministry Law and Human Right   :  AHU-30344.AH.01.01.TH 2013 (KEMENTERIAN HUKUM & HAM)
Permitted Official   :  503/541/SITU-BPPT/2013
A Letter Business Permitted   :  503/534/SIUP-BPPT/2013
Number of Tax Governance   :  31.763.547.2-419.000 (NPWP)

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